Quality and R+D+I

Throughout our history, the research and development of new processes and products, has been a constant in our activity.

In addition to the development of product lines suited to new needs, such a ready meals, one of our most important lines of research is naturalness.

Manufacturing systems have been focused on a product that conserves and even enhances its organoleptic characteristics, and recipes and processes to nutritionally balanced products.

Our PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) Navarra asparagus production system covers the field control, and a productive system that maintains the freshness and flavor of the fruit so that it reaches the consumer with all its magnificent qualities.

For this reason, we collaborate closely with research centers such as the CNTA Laboratorio del Ebro. We even carry out an intense research project, with the collaboration of the University of Navarra, to develop a line that facilitates feeding adults who require a puree diet, and as a result of it, we launched the “Dieta en Crema of Mamía” (Mamía’s Puree Diet)

The Bio products is another line in development in which a great horizon of innovation is glimpsed.

Espárragos Bajamar Investigación Alimentos
Bajamar Mamía Laboratorio Calidad


Our products also have certifications that guarantee their quality and food safety:

FDA Registered


Protected Geoghrapical Indication E.U.

Asparagus from Navarre
Protected Geoghrapical Indication

FDA Registered